Tim & Faith’s ‘Soul 2 Soul’ Tour Returning To Minnesota
98.1 Minnesota's New Country welcomes Tim McGraw & Faith Hill's 'Soul 2 Soul' tour back to Minnesota for another big night of music on Saturday, July 7th at the Target Center in Minneapolis.
Tickets go on sale to the general public at 10 AM on Friday, November 17th -- but you're not 'general public,' you're a 98.1 Insider which means you can start buying your tickets two days earlier at 10 AM on Wednesday, November 15th using the 98.1 pre-sale code: SOUL.
But wait, there's more! Listen to 98.1 from Wednesday 11/8 through Tuesday 11/14 for chances to 'Win 'Em Before You Can Buy 'Em.' Every time you hear a Tim song followed by a Faith song -- be the 10th caller at 320-252-9897 and you'll be the proud owner of a pair of tickets to the show!
But wait, there's even more! You can increase your chance of winning tickets by signing up to win some from us online HERE too.