This is What Spring in Minnesota Looks Like This Week
It’s officially spring, and for the past week it’s kind of felt like winter. I’m ready for 60 degrees and sunshine filled days. It’s finally time to pull out the sidewalk chalk, bubbles and Pogo stick!
Flip flops are out in full force. If you’re not a foot person, this day is going to be especially hard for you. Central Minnesota residents have officially put away their winter boots and pulled out their “foot thongs.” Nail salons are going to be especially busy today as everyone is scrambling to get their toes done. Might I suggest a nice pink or purple color to go with the spring theme?
Shorts are back…and I’m not talking about the athletic shorts worn by random obese men men at the grocery store year round…those are never in. I’m talking about jean shorts finally coming out of their winter hibernation cave. The time is now!
Menards/Home Depot will be a zoo today. My grandma is probably going to contribute to the frenzy. Everyone, all of a sudden, gets gardening fever. The sun spreads the gardening sickness and turns it into a widespread epidemic. Menards and Home Depot hold the only cure–there will be fights started over tomato seeds.
Your neighbors will all be grilling. And, this fact will be the reason you head to Home Depot to buy a grill. You can’t be the only one not cooking outside today. Make sure you shop around and look for the best deals. Some places price match…but, heck! You don’t have time to do all of that. You’re on a mission.
Meat markets will make bank today. Whether your go-to meat market is in Foley, St. Joe, St. Cloud or wherever, it’ll be busy today. You better leave work early and get there before all of the best cuts are taken. Have you ever been slapped in the face with a steak? Me either, but I can’t image it feels good. I’ve watched “Jingle All The Way” so, I know how these things can go.
You’ll be waiting forever at the car wash. Pack a lunch, bring a book, call a friend, pay your taxes online…you’ll have time for it all. I’d suggest not getting a car wash today because we’ve got rain in the forecast, but what do I know? There’ll still be a line backed up halfway to Wisconsin this afternoon.
The mall will be packed with teens looking for spring clothing sales. I have no idea why, but when the weather is nice outside, the Crossroads Shopping Center is always packed. Why are we not all outside enjoying the sunshine? Good luck getting a parking space. If you work at the mall, I feel your pain.
Stroller rage will be in full force. So, you normally go jogging around Lake George? Well, moms and dads everywhere have decided to bring their children out and join you on your run today. You’ll be able to tell if you’re a glass half full type of person or half empty. It’ll either be frustrating for you or you could see it as an opportunity to jump a few hurdles.
They say all dogs have their day, and that day is today. If you’re not a dog person, avoid going to the park, or being outside today. Dogs will be everywhere…so, maybe ask yourself why you’re so crabby and don’t like dogs.We can all enjoy this weather together!
What are you reading this for?! Go outside and enjoy the weather!!
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