The Perils of Being a Patriots Fan in Minnesota
The only thing dubbed worse than being a Packers fan in this state, is being a Patriots fan.
The second I mention I am a fan of the New England Patriots, I have to use my next breath to explain myself. Due to Superbowl 52 last year in Minnesota, the town of Browerville blew up because people found out Tom Brady has connections to it.
My mom's whole side of the family is from that town, and her aunt married Tom Brady's uncle. So being a fan of the Patriots turned into a family affair back in 2000, and the rest is history. It's no different than someone from Minnesota loving the Vikings because their parents did.
After I explain there is usually a lecture about how "you're from Minnesota, you can't like someone other than the vikings", "how dare you not have faith in Minnesota's team".
Let people like who they like. No need to drag them down because your favorite team didn't make the playoffs. Also, my grandpa was a Packers fan, so I guess liking rival teams is kinda hereditary for me.
PS: Here is the call I had with Tom's sister Maureen last year before the big game in Minnesota! Go Pats!
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