Super Bowl LII

Super Bowl 52 Odds for All Four Potential Matchups
Super Bowl 52 Odds for All Four Potential Matchups
Super Bowl 52 Odds for All Four Potential Matchups
Early betting lines are out for all four potential Super Bowl 52 matchups. Here's who Vegas thinks is the best bet to win it all. Two quick takeaways: 1) Oddsmakers don't love Philly's chances in any scenario, and 2) The Pats are still the favorite.
Super Bowl 52 Tickets Are Selling for How Much?
Super Bowl 52 Tickets Are Selling for How Much?
Super Bowl 52 Tickets Are Selling for How Much?
As the National Football League playoffs get underway this weekend, demand for tickets to the Super Bowl will go even higher. StubHub spokesman Cameron Popp says the fact that the game is being played in Minneapolis -- a cold weather city -- hasn't negatively impacted interest from fans.