lake wobegon trail

St. Cloud APO Seeks Input For New Multi-Use Trail
St. Cloud APO Seeks Input For New Multi-Use Trail
St. Cloud APO Seeks Input For New Multi-Use Trail
WAITE PARK (WJON News) -- The St. Cloud Area Planning Organization (APO) is looking for input from cyclists and walkers for a new multi-use trail. The City of Waite Park will be building a new bike/walking trail near Rivers Edge Park as an extension for the Lake Wobegon Trail and APO is asking residents for their input because it is for a federally funded Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).
Construction on Lake Wobegon Extension Set to Begin
Construction on Lake Wobegon Extension Set to Begin
Construction on Lake Wobegon Extension Set to Begin
A plan that has been in the works for years to extend the Lake Wobegon Trail into Waite Park has cleared a final hurdle. Stearns County Commissioners have approved the low bid to extend the trail 3.2-miles from St. Joseph into Waite Park.
Central MN Weekend Guide
Central MN Weekend Guide
Central MN Weekend Guide
Lace up your shoes, strap on your helmets and get ready for a fun weekend with The Insane Inflatable 5K race, the 2016 Caramel Roll Ride on the Lake Wobegon Trail, Sartell Street Dance with Diamond Back, The Broadway Songbooks at the Ordway Theater and Music in the Gardens. Read more in The Weekender!

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