Yesterday was 'Give to the Max Day,' a day meant for donating to local causes and charities. If you're like me and live on a tight budget, donating money isn't always an option. Don't worry, there's plenty of other awesome ways for you to give back this holiday season that will help you stay within your holiday budget.
'Give to the Max Day' is designed to rally and inspire Minnesotans to donate to local charities in one big 24-hour period -- and #GTMD15 is today. There are over $4-Million in matching gifts just waiting for. You can find organizations that deserve your support here. Will you join me in giving to the max today?
'Give to the Max Day' is designed to rally and inspire Minnesotans to donate to local charities in one big 24-hour period -- and #GTMD15 is coming up quickly, this Thursday, November 12th. You can find organizations that deserve your support here. Will you join me in giving to the max on Thursday?
Tomorrow marks the 3rd Annual Give to the Max Day in Minnesota. Last year over 42,000 Minnesotans gave during the Give to the Max Day and raised just over $10 million for Minnesota charities. Give to the Max Day is a chance for you to give money to charity and have it stretch as far as possible.