In this video, a young man at a wedding performs a spirited and solo dance, much to the delight of everyone watching.
It’s the type thing that will often happen at a wedding, after some cocktails have been consumed. But what makes this spirited solo wedding dance different than most is that at this wedding there was a fountain — the kind of fountain that will sneak up on a guy when he’s paying mo
This is exactly why cities can't have anything nice. They go and spend $11 MILLION dollars on a fountain to make the city look nice and people abuse it. I think they should have just saved the $11 big ones and used it to send their residents to charm school!
I love how the person filming just keeps filming. We wouldn't have any of these videos if we all started doing the right thing.
If this girl didn't get hurt this is an amazing video. So kids what did you learn? Hopefully you learned that texting and fountains go together.