
What to Know About Opening Bear, Teal, Goose and Dove Seasons in MN
What to Know About Opening Bear, Teal, Goose and Dove Seasons in MN
What to Know About Opening Bear, Teal, Goose and Dove Seasons in MN
The opening of bear, teal, goose and dove seasons are Sunday in Minnesota. Glen Schmitt from Outdoor News joined me on WJON. It may seem odd that these seasons start on a Sunday but Schmitt explains the earliest these seasons can start based on framework set up by the Fish & Wildlife Service is September 1.
What To Know About Early Goose and Dove Hunting in MN
What To Know About Early Goose and Dove Hunting in MN
What To Know About Early Goose and Dove Hunting in MN
The morning dove and early goose hunting seasons are just around the corner in Minnesota. Glen Schmitt from Outdoor News joined me on WJON. He has some suggestions on how to have a successful season starting with asking for permission when hunting on land.
This Dove Ruins A Cat’s Nap‬‏ [VIDEO]
This Dove Ruins A Cat’s Nap‬‏ [VIDEO]
This Dove Ruins A Cat’s Nap‬‏ [VIDEO]
You would think that a dove would have better sense than to mess with a sleeping cat. Doesn't he know that kitties like to feast on his feathered friends? This dove doesn't care. He keeps on messing with the cat while it is trying to catch 40 winks...