
17 Animals Excited for ‘Shark Week’
17 Animals Excited for ‘Shark Week’
17 Animals Excited for ‘Shark Week’
Shark Week is here! Shark Week is here! We can finally stop living like it's Shark Week, because it's actually Shark Week! We're not the only one's who are excited by the prospect -- these animals also seem pretty geared up. (We're going to pretend the costumes were their idea, and not their owners.)
9 Animals Confused By Trampolines
9 Animals Confused By Trampolines
9 Animals Confused By Trampolines
Raise your hand if you love trampolines! We sure do, particularly because they're like an instant way to revisit our inner five-year-old. While trampolines are no doubt fun, they can be hilariously painful, too (see: epic fails). If you think about it, though, the trampoline concept is also straight up confusing. That's why these animals are all, "what the heck, man?!"
Animals Trying To Stay Awake
Animals Trying To Stay Awake
Animals Trying To Stay Awake
Remember when you were a little kid and you were trying to stay awake for whatever reason?  Well, these animals are having the same problems with hilarious results.
12 Adorable Animals Taking ‘Selfie’ Photos
12 Adorable Animals Taking ‘Selfie’ Photos
12 Adorable Animals Taking ‘Selfie’ Photos
We have no idea why, but animals are like, super talented when it comes to photography. Remember how they're master photobombers? That's just the beginning. Even though their talent is slightly greater than that of us humans, there are zero complaints on our end, because the result is always entertaining, adorable, strangely hilarious or all of the above.
10 Adorably Tiny Cats Cute Factor Through The Roof
10 Adorably Tiny Cats Cute Factor Through The Roof
10 Adorably Tiny Cats Cute Factor Through The Roof
We recently presented you with quite possibly the most adorable group of pictures, ever. They were miniature, furry nuggets of cuteness that would be extremely difficult to top in the miniature, furry nuggets of cuteness category-- tiny dogs. Could it get any better?! Answer: y-e-s. America, we'd like to share with you our latest discovery-- tiny cats.
The Year’s Best ‘Grumpy Cat’ Fan Art
The Year’s Best ‘Grumpy Cat’ Fan Art
The Year’s Best ‘Grumpy Cat’ Fan Art
As 2012 comes to an end and we're reminiscing about the year's greatest internet celebs, there's a certain hilarious feline that tops our list-- the one and only 'Grumpy Cat.' Tarder Sauce, as the sad kitty is also known, first debuted on Reddit, and the feline has since become a furry superstar, scoring interviews left and right and inspiring tons of funny memes.
The Tri-County Humane Society Has a Cat for You
The Tri-County Humane Society Has a Cat for You
The Tri-County Humane Society Has a Cat for You
The Tri-County Humane Society has never before offered cats for free but with so many cats in need of a good home, cats 2 years and older are free right now for senior citizens, members of the military, veterans and their spouses. For everyone else, one adult cat (6 months and older) can be adopted for the adoption fee of your choosing.

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