Big & Rich have announced that they are Minnesota bound, with a stop scheduled for Treasure Island Casino on April 8th in Welch, MN. Tickets go on sale this Friday morning at 10 AM. Here's the rest of what you need to know.
Kenny Alphin has lost his father. The Big & Rich singer turned to social media to tell fans that his father, William M. "Bill" Alphin, has passed away at the age of 86.
The New Music Spotlight today is #110 on the charts - Tim McGraw ft. Big & Rich and their single "California"!
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Not only are Big & Rich great musicians, but now we know that they are also great humanitarians. The duo is scheduled to receive the CRS 2013 Artist Humanitarian Award which will be presented at The Country Radio Seminar on Feb. 27, 2013...
On Sunday John Rich (of Big & Rich) was supposed to fly from Las Vegas to Nashville on a Southwest Airlines flight, but was kicked off the plane before he even found his seat.