St. Cloud Norsemen Invite You To Charlie Boike Night Friday
This Friday night, you'll want to make plans to attend the St. Cloud Norsemen for Charlie Boike Night. 50% of ticket sales will be donated to the Charlie Boike Scholarship Fund. There will also be a Norsement Beanie Giveaway to the first 100 fans. The St. Cloud Norsemen will be taking on the Minot Minotauros at the St. Cloud Municipal Athletic Complex this Friday night, February 17th at 7 pm, and again on Saturday, February 18th at 7 pm.
To get tickets to Friday's game, you can click HERE now.
Charlie Boike grew up in St. Augusta and became involved in hockey at a very early age. Charlie was a junior at St. Cloud Tech High School and played hockey for the "Crush" hockey team. Charlie loved the St. Cloud Huskies, and volunteered for the St. Cloud Norsement Hockey team in many capacities, and was also the founder of "Farmer Charlie's Produce."
If you are unable to go to the game on Friday night, you can also make a donation to the GoFundMe page for Charlie, by clicking HERE. You can also go to SKATEFREECHARLIE.ORG, where The Charlie Boike Memorial Fund will continue to support and encourage others to carry on Charlie's legacy by focusing on local community outreach and contributing to the local organizations that share the same values and passions.
Charlie Boike died in a car accident on the evening of December 10th,2022.