See Live Road Conditions with MnDOT’s ‘Plow Cams’
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MnDOT has added a new tool to help you stay on top of winter road conditions. Plow Cams have been installed in most of their trucks, and now you can see where those plows are, and get a look at what the drivers are experiencing out on the road.
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Just head to the MnDOT 511 website, click on Plow Cams, and you'll find a map showing the location of all the MnDOT plows equipped with a camera. Click on the plow that you're interested in -- and you'll get a shot of what that plow driver is seeing at that moment.
NEXT: Temps to Plummet Across Central Minnesota Next Week: Temperatures could plunge 30 degrees between this weekend and early next week. Highs in the 30s this weekend will struggle to get above zero next week.