‘Rolling Freedom Rally’ Schedule of Stops in Minnesota This Week
The "Rolling Freedom Rally" is coming through Minnesota on 1-94 this week. There are three scheduled stops in Minnesota happening this week, Fargo, Sauk Centre, and the Twin Cities.
Thursday March 3rd the rally is scheduled to depart from the Petro in Fargo, ND at 5 PM, with the next stop being the Truckers Inn in Sauk Centre for an overnight stay.
The rally then is set to depart from Truckers Inn at 8:30 AM, getting back on I-94 heading towards the Twin Cities. They will roll through the cities and ultimately end up in Hudson Wisconsin that night, the time yet to be determined.
Peaceful and safe showings of support are encouraged along the overpasses on I-94.
The final destination for this convoy across America is Washington DC.

Fox2 in Moussiouri shared some background on the convoys we have been seeing lately in North America:
Members of the Freedom Convoy gathered in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada beginning in late January to protest COVID-19 mask and vaccine mandates. The group was originally formed to contest vaccine mandates and quarantining for truckers crossing the U.S.-Canada border but grew into a protest against all COVID-related mandates and restrictions in the country.
At the time, both the Canadian and American governments had granted brief exemptions for unvaccinated truckers crossing the border in order to keep supply chains running smoothly. Those exemptions ended in mid and late January, respectively, prompting unvaccinated truckers and others to protest.
Law enforcement officials in the Fargo area are expecting some traffic congestion with this event, and chances are good we will be seeing it all along their route. If you need to travel I-94 East this week, be prepared.
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