Princeton Woman’s Granny Panty Face Mask Video Goes Viral
A woman from Princeton is making herself laugh, as well as 20,000 other people in the process.
Masks are getting harder and harder to come by these days, and so many DIY hack masks have popped up all over the internet. I've seen shirt sleeves, leggings, and socks all fashioned into facemasks in the past week, but this is the first time I have seen underwear used.
Cathy Marie was sent a video on how to use a pair of granny panties to protect her face, and the result just had to be shared with her friend. Cathy went live on Facebook to share, and ended up bringing joy and laughter to a lot of people.
The mask she made was from a new pair of underwear and looked more like a Mexican wrestling mask than anything. Cathy was in fits of giggles for over 8 minutes about her makeshift mask, and the rest of the internet was laughing with her a la the "Chewbacca Mom" video of 2016. Just pure simple joy spreading across the internet.
Cathy told people in the comments to share the video, she wants to make everyone laugh right now. Thanks for the laughs Cathy, stay safe and healthy!