Most Minnesotans Aren’t Culinary Masters
We're (for the most part) not culinarily-advanced. Three-course dinner? Nah, leave that to the professionals! Macaroni and cheese? SIGN ME UP!
I consider myself a decent cook...just really lazy. I can cook a medium-rare steak, I can make scrambled eggs that aren't rubbery...I can even (usually) flip an omelet. Mad kitchen skillz! But naps are life.
Americans in general are far from master chefs...we spend too much time trying to be Master Chiefs.
We're better at making rice (56%) than pancakes (52%). Not sure how I feel about that...because I SUCK at making rice (unless it's the microwave-in-a-bag variety).
The food we're goodest at making is scrambled eggs (63%). 62% are confident in their hamburger-making skills...but are they confident because they cook the juices out of the burgers until they're bricks? I think being able to cook a tasty burger that's still pink in the middle should be the qualifier here. Same with steaks: can you cook it any way besides completely dead?
I'm a bit of a snob about this. I know. Also don't care. Get cookin', 'Merica!
H/T: NY Post
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