Minnesota’s 10 Most Annoying Winter Habits That’ll Put You On Santa’s Naughty List
We have a reputation for being Minnesota nice. But, sometimes in the winter some of us make Santa's 'not so Minnesota nice' list. It's OK if you're an offender...the cold weather has a way of making us forget our manners. I just ask that you try to--try to be respectful. ;)
1. Overly aggressive drivers when it's snowing. When snow is coming down, you can count on me to be driving slow like a grandma. I'd rather be safe than sorry. Please don't honk, just go around.
2. Inattentive shovelers--Just like drivers must be careful for pedestrians, the same should go for people shoveling and snow plowing their driveways. Many times Minnesotans will get caught up in their work and not realize they're in the middle of the road with their four-wheeler turned snow plow. Please watch for cars.
3. People who ignore winter parking restrictions--Winter parking restrictions are in place for a reason. If you're parking on the road and it snows out, you're just making things difficult for the plows.
4. People who leave their Christmas lights on all night--I love Christmas lights. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is drive around looking at all of the lights. However, after a certain time of the night, it's time to shut them off so you're not keeping your neighbors awake all night. Be courteous. If it's hard to remember to unplug them every night, buy a timer.
5. When Minnesotans don't stomp off their snowy shoes entering a store-- Stores usually put down huge black rugs to catch some of the snow from your boots and shoes. Take a few seconds to stomp the excess slush off your feet! The workers will appreciate it!
6. Not bringing carts to the return because it's too cold out--If you don't want to bring your cart back to the return, some stores have drive up options. Be respectful and take an extra few minutes to put the cart back in the return. Don't leave it in the parking lot.
7. Ignoring the greeting from the Red Kettle volunteers--You don't have to donate, but make sure you're being friendly. Remember that these people are volunteering their time, standing in the freezing cold! The least you could do is smile and say thank you!
8. When people don't shovel a path for the mail carrier or their sidewalk--The sidewalk should be one of your first priorities to get cleared because it's used by everyone.
9. Taking up multiple spots in the parking lot--Sometimes snow covers up the lines in the parking lot and you honestly have no choice but to invent a spot. But then, there are people who use a little snow fall as an excuse to do what they want. Don't be that person.
10. People who park in front of the store and idle there for someone who is 'just running in'--We're all 'just running in.' Find a parking spot like everyone else. We know it's cold out. We're all cold. Don't be lazy and don't ignore parking rules.
Happy holidays! :)