Minnesotans Know How to Celebrate ‘Hot Chocolate Day’
I would bet that Minnesotans know how to celebrate hot chocolate more than anyone. We get it. It's cold out there. We know how to warm up on the inside.
There's nothing better than coming inside from a day of skiing, sledding, or making a snow man, than by stripping off your snow wet clothes and mittens, and heading inside for a warm cozy cup of magic.

But what is Hot Chocolate to you?
My parents make Coca Mochas....I think there might be a little bit of alcohol in the mix. I also don't think they wait for it to be National Hot Chocolate day; any chilly day will do.
Others add marshmallows and candy bars..You might like the traditional marshmallows in your hot chocolate..but maybe want to add toasted marshmallows to the top.
Don't forget that you can always pick up a cup of the good stuff at our local coffee shops. One of my favorites is Caribou Coffee's "Cabin Mocha Bar"...Yes...it's coffee...AND chocolate, and peanut buttery, served with a little tiny Special K bar on the top...rich and decadent.
Starbucks serves an amazing Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate, as well as a Toasted White Hot Chocolate. Let's go. It's chocolate time. Enjoy your special day.
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"Pete & Kelly in the Morning"
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