Minnesota Fishing Regulations 2022 Booklet Translated to “Karen”
The fishing opener just happened in Minnesota, and the whole state is eager to spend the summer reeling in trophy fish on our wonderful lakes. Before you head out, it's always smart to review the new rules and regulations, and glancing at the cover of this year's booklet might make you say, "wait, what?"
The 2022 Minnesoa Fishing Regulations handbook comes in English, Hmong, Spanish, Somali, and Karen translations.
No, it's not "I need to talk to your manager" Karen. It's a real language that has nothing to do with the internet definition.
The Karen languages are spoken in Asia around Myanmar and Thailand:
Karen languages, languages spoken in lower Myanmar (Burma) and on the borders of Thailand. The Karen languages are usually divided into three groups: northern (including Taungthu), central (including Bwe and Geba), and southern (including Pwo and Sgaw); only Pwo and Sgaw of the southern group have written forms.
It is estimated that Karen or Karenic languages are spoken by over seven million people.
According to the Karen Community of Minnesota, in 2017 there were over 17,000 Karen living in Minnesota, and our state is home to the largest concentrated population of the Karen people.
Fishing is a great way to spend time in the summer in Minnesota, no matter who you are, where you come from, or what language you speak.
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