Milaca Dog Sled Musher In Need of Old Sleeping Bags for the Sled Dogs
Darcy Stanley-Nord is a dog sled musher from Princeton, who currently lives in Milaca. As the dog sledding season is underway, Darcy is in need of something you might have tucked away in the crawl space and not be using:
I’m in search of old sleeping bags for check points. The thick ones with the satiny outside and fleece inside are ideal, but beggars can’t be choosers. If you have an old one you don’t want or maybe one with a broken zipper or a tear, I’ll gladly take it off your hands.

Darcy started NordStar Racing in 2012 with a dream and five eager dogs. Since then the Nord family has expanded their pack to include two mushers, and 19 dogs in total. Nordstar Racing is a family run operation with Darcy and her son Nathan as the mushers while Scott and William maintain equipment.
NordStar Racing's next event is Febraury 9th at Lake Minnetonka for the Klondike Dog Derby.
If you have any old sleeping bags to help keep the pups warm at checkpoints, here is the NordStar contact information:
Darcy also said they could be dropped off at the Rum River North building north of or across the street from the dollar store in the old ALC building in Milaca where she teaches.
Abbey is on 98.1 Minnesota's New Country weekdays from 2-7 PM.
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