Little Falls Craft Fair Shopping Haul: 2019 [Photos]
Another Little Falls Arts & Craft Fair weekend has come and gone. I made my annual trip on Sunday morning with my mom and sister, and this year we had someone new join us, my six month old niece! It was her very first craft fair and she was so good for it. She chilled in her stroller, and was spoiled with new things.
I scored some awesome stuff to spoil myself too! My favorite thing I picked up was a hand painted portrait of Tom Petty. A coworker sent me a picture of it on Saturday and I knew I had to make it mine. The artist who painted it was Rhea Northington who owns Northington Gallery in Alexandria. I am a huge Tom Patty fan and have been into vinyl records as long as I can remember so finding Tom painted on a record was just everything I could have hoped for.
I also picked up a acrylic paint poured vinyl record clock from the same place. I'm a sucker for art and music.
Some other great stuff I found were a screaming deal on workout headbands (three for $10!), a keychain made from a piece of a map of Minnesota, hand made pot holders, and a corn bag. Sounds weird but you heat it up and use it like a heating pad. They're a lifesaver.
I also got a bag of mix to make wine slushies. Yep. Wine slushies. Mix the powder with a bottle of dry, white wine, stick it in the freezer, and you're good to go!
Check out pictures of my Little Falls Craft Fair haul below, and send me your awesome finds from the craft fair on the 98.1 Mobile App!