January 2023 Ranks As One Of Minnesota’s ‘Wettest’
When I think about our kick-off to 2023, January has felt rather 'wet.' I feel like I've had days where the snow shoveling never stops. Then everything turns to rain and ice. Next thing you know, you're slipping and sliding down the driveway hoping for a meltdown, and here comes more snow.
Well, my feelings were well-founded. January 2023 has made the top 10 for the wettest Januarys ever.
The US National Weather Service for the Twin Cities in Minnesota has listed the top 10 'wettest' Januarys. Here there starting with number 10:
10. 1920: 1.84 inches of snow. This was the year the Russian Civil War ended, The League of Nations was founded, and the summer Olympics took place in Antwerp, Belgium.
9. 1996: 1.87 inches of snow. This was the year that Barney Rubble appeared as a Flinstone Vitamin. The Cowboys beat the Packers in the NFC Championship game, and Nintendo 64 released their newest gaming system in Japan.
8. 2023: 1.89 inches of snow (so far)
7. 1969: 2.05 inches of snow. The first man landed on the moon, Woodstock happened, and The Beatles recorded their final album together, called Abbey Road.
6. 1982: 2.45 inches of snow. This was the year that Compact disc players went on sale in Japan, On Golden Pond won 3 Academy Awards and Late Night with David Letterman appeared for the first time, with special guest, Actor Bill Murray.
5. 1999: 2.67 inches of snow. This was the year the Columbine High School massacre happened. It was also the premier of the children's series "Spongebob Squarepants."
4. 1975: 2.82 inches of snow. Mood Rings, Rubik's Cubes, and Pet Rocks. PEZ candy, 8 tracks, and Magic 8 Ball.
3. 1916: 2.88 inches of snow. We had our first blood transfusion, Mary Pickford was the first female actress to get a million-dollar contract, and Charlie Chaplin was signed to a film contract.
2. 1967: 3.63 inches of snow. This was the year the first human heart transplant was performed, the Newlywed Game premiered, and Aretha Franklin released 'Respect."
1. 1881: 4.34 inches of snow. Laura Ingalls wrote a novel based on the winter called, "The Long Winter."