We all know that country music is good for the soul, but that's not all: It can literally save your life.

From those who are fighting fierce mental health battles to those facing devastating physical illnesses, there's plenty of stories out there of country fans ready to throw in the towel — until the right song came on and gave them the hope they needed to keep going. Below, Taste of Country has compiled a list of 15 times country music helped a fan who was nearing death.

In some instances, it wasn't a particular song that changed everything, but rather the power and solidarity of a country music community. This list includes not one, but two instances of crowds that came together to help an ailing concertgoer at a big country star's show.

And of course, in a couple of instances, the country star themselves has swooped in to save the day. Any guesses as to which country A-Lister stopped to help a single mom and her kids after a flat tire stranded them on the shoulder of a dangerous bend in the road?

Read on for 15 powerful examples of how the truth-telling genre heals listeners, and let us know in the comments if there's a country song that saved your life.

15 Times Country Music Saved a Fan's Life -- Literally

No genre of music has a more powerful connection to its fan base than country music. In fact, in some instances, songs -- or the artists behind them -- have saved real fan lives. Here are 15 of the most powerful life-saving moments between country stars and their listeners.

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