It’s A Florida Georgia Line State Fair Winning Weekend On 98-1!
Listen to 98-1 Minnesota's New Country this weekend, and keep that FREE 98-1 App handy as that is going to be your key to winning Florida Georgia Line tickets as they wrap up their touring as a group, at least as a group for now, on Wednesday, August 31st at the Great Minnesota Get-Together. We want to send you to the show!
Have your app handy all weekend, that's both Saturday and Sunday from 8a-8p for an EXCLUSIVE contest notification. That notification will contain a codeword that you are going to have to chat back to us using the app, for a chance to win tickets to the show!
This might be the LAST time that Brian Kelley and Tyler Hubbard perform as Florida Georgia Line as the two artists announced recently that they were taking a break as a group to pursue solo gigs.
Joining the duo performing on August 31st at the State Fair Grandstand will be country newcomer Bailey Zimmerman.
Zimmerman is known for Never Comin' Home, Fall in Love, and his 2022 release Rock and a Hard Place. You can learn more about Bailey Zimmerman by heading here.
No app? No problem, click below to download the FREE 98-1 app today!
If you don't win, you can still purchase tickets to the show, you can do that by clicking here.
Good luck this weekend, and don't forget to stop out to see Abbey and Paul at the Clearwater Rodeo both tonight and Saturday afternoon!
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