I’m Going to My First Minnesota Post-Pandemic Event This Weekend
How many months has it been since this pandemic craziness started? Fifteen, sixteen? I'm a hermit by nature, crawling back out into a new (old) world again. This weekend I'm going to a Twins game for the first time since mid-2019.
I may or may not have a compromised immune system. I was diagnosed with stage-three colorectal cancer in 2002, followed by surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. What does that all add up to? I don't really know for sure, but I do know that I'd rather not find out the hard way.
I've been following CDC and Minnesota health guidelines, masking, social distancing, and all the rest -- and I have thankfully not contracted COVID-19. As of today 600,000 Minnesotans have, and 7,403 have died as a result.

I received the Johnson & Johnson single dose vaccine on April first, and I'm now considered fully vaccinated following the two-week waiting period. I had no ill side-effects from the shot, but had a couple fo co-workers that felt crappy for a day or two.
I have been avoiding other humans for the most part for a year and a half.
This Sunday I'm going to the Minnesota Twins game at Target Field against the Kansas City Royals. By far and away the biggest event I've been to since the start of all this.
Yesterday I was at a funeral in Grand Rapids where no one was wearing a mask (including me) and it felt great and seemingly safe to be fairly normal again.
How do I feel about going to Twins Game on Sunday without a mask? Great! Being vaccinated seems to say that may not even get the disease, and if I do it might be less severe. Same reason I get flu shot every year,
There's a lot of discussion about getting a COVID vaccine in regards of protecting your community and building a 'herd' immunity. That's all fine and dandy, but I got a COVID vaccine (and get a flu shot every season) to protect me. If that helps protect others, all the better.
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