I Tried The New ‘Limited Edition’ Pop That’s In Minnesota & I Can’t Decide What It Tastes Like
I've been telling you for a few weeks that Coca-Cola had come out with a limited-edition soda that was supposed to taste like space. yes...space. I think maybe they've accomplished their goal.
After searching for this beverage for the last couple of weeks, my resourceful aunt Marlene finally found this product for me at a Walmart store in Princeton. Starlight zero and regular flavors are sold in 20-ounce bottles and 7.5-ounce cans as a 10 pack.
Marlene tried it first. She said she didn't think it tasted like anything. I grabbed a glass, filled it with ice, and proceeded to pour the red-tinted cola into my glass. It fizzed like regular coke, but as far as taste? I couldn't figure it out either.
Then my brother tried it. He thought it definitely tasted like space. Maybe a hint of cherry? No. Maybe that's a hint of Vanilla? My Cousin then tried it. He thought maybe it tasted a bit like cherry...maybe.
Then we all took it back. Marlene said, "Maybe it's a bit like cherry, vanilla, and maybe Dr. Pepper?" I tried it again. I just decided it tasted like space.
I then decided to go to the ingredient list to see if there were any flavors that I recognized there; but alas; there were no flavor profiles. I read that a reporter had tasted the beverage before it was released. The reporter said the Starlight Coke is a little sweeter than regular coke, has a red tint, and that it also had a cooling effect at the end.
Maybe I need to try the regular version, because Starlight Zero, no matter how much I wanted to like it because of their 'out of this world' concept; I just can't get behind it. My Dad said, "Now I know how Kirk felt." Give it a minute. Yep. There it is. Pretty funny Dad. Pretty funny.
Now it's up to you. Let me know what you think the new Starlight zero or Starlight regular tastes like by sending me your thoughts to Kelly@minnesotasnewcountry.com.