How to Listen to 98.1 with Alexa on Your Amazon Echo
I love Alexa. She starts my car, changes my TV channels, turns on my lights, makes my shopping list, and a whole lot more. Here's how to set your Echo up to play 98.1 Minnesota's New Country with Alexa.
It will only take about a minute to set up, and in the end you'll be able to say, "Alexa, play Minnesota's New Country."
Once you've got your Echo setup as directed by the instructions in the box, just follow these seven easy steps. (If you lost the setup instructions, you can get a new copy HERE.)
Step 1: Download the free Alexa app.
Step 2: Open the app, then open the drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Step 3: Select 'Skills & Games' in the drop-down menu.
Step 4: Tap the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner to open the search function.
Step 5: Enter 'Minnesota's New Country' in the search bar, then press 'search' or the magnifying glass in he bottom right hand corner.
Step 6: Tap on '98.1 Minnesota's New Country.
Step 7: Tap 'Enable To Use.' You will now be able to listen to us by saying "Alexa, play Minnesota's New Country."
Alexa, play Minnesota's New Country.
Enjoy your Amazon Echo, and all the fun you can have with Alexa. Thanks for listening to 98.1 Minnesota's New Country!