How Employers Can Stand Out to Find the Best Employees
The shortage of quality workers applying for jobs has encouraged local employers to make themselves more appealing to job seekers. Gail Cruikshank is the Talent Director from the St. Cloud Development Corporation. She joined me on WJON this week. Cruikshank explains that many employers in Central Minnesota have adjusted their work environment and tells me how they did it.

Cruikshank indicated employers reached out to employees and potential employees to find out what makes job seekers choose an employer. Reasons include competitive pay, the cultural of that employer, and room to advance. Cruikshank suggests that job seekers should learn about potential employers when applying from the the employers social media exposure, from current employees and past employees.
New ideas that Cruikshank brought up include "Returnships" as a recruitment option. This would be people who left the workforce for whatever reason but are now willing to return. These return to work employers could return in part-time or full time roles but may also take on a role while working remotely. Cruikshank explains that employers have become more flexible to accommodate to employee needs.
This week St. Cloud Job Spot has 8,200 open jobs. Cruikshank explains the goal for the community is to bring in outside talent and not just shift talent from one position in the community to another.
If you'd like to listen to my conversation with Gail Cruikshank it is available below.