How Did This Car Crash Into The Petco Building In Waite Park On Friday The 13th?
Are you superstitious? One thing I've never really worried about while I'm sitting in the lunch room at work is the possibility that someone might actually drive through the building. Today, that's exactly what happened in Waite Park.
Luckily for the driver of this vehicle, and the employees at Petco, located on Waite Avenue North in Waite Park next to Westside Liquor, no one was sitting in the break room at the time the vehicle penetrated the building.
Friday afternoon, January 13th, 2023, sources at the scene say an elderly woman driving the vehicle pictured above, accidentally put her foot on the acceleration pedal and ended up flying through the Petco building in Waite Park.
The vehicle's driver was not injured in the accident but was reasonably shaken by the event. The airbags DID go off in the car.
There was enough force from the acceleration that the vehicle penetrated the wall of Petco, in the area of their break room, where it's my understanding a couple of employees had been just a few minutes beforehand. As you can see in the picture, many bricks came crashing down and in observation of the photo, there may be damage to the structural components of the building, but that is just speculation. I have no official reports on this incident.
I asked if the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and the answer was ABSOLUTELY NOT. It was just a fluke accident, and no one was hurt, other than the building and the vehicle, in the incident.
At the time of this report, police officers were on hand to assess the damages, and crews had been called to make temporary repairs to the building. Maybe there really is something to Friday the 13th? I say, maybe good luck, as no one was hurt.