Freeport City-Wide Garage Sales Still Happening June 4-6th
With things being canceled left and right, it is refreshing to see something that is still happening (almost) as planned.
Freeport's Chamber of Commerce has made the announcement that the city-wide garage sales intended for June 4th, 5th, and 6th can still happen at the seller's discretion.
We are keeping the dates as options for local residents to host a Garage Sale at their home if they wish. We ask that all people keep CDC guidelines in mind when they are hosting or attending a garage sale in the area.
At the moment some things the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has been recommending frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer, staying six feet apart from others, wearing facial coverings, staying home if you don't feel well, and gatherings of 10 or fewer people.
From what I gather from the tone of the post, the buzz of a true "city-wide garage sale" event won't be there, but I'll take what I can get. My small bills and fanny pack are ready to go. Garage sale season is off to a slow start due to COVID-19, and hitting up one or two in Freeport would really scratch my itch to go yard shopping. It definitely will tide me over while I wait for the 100 Mile Garage Sale that was moved from Spring to Fall of 2020.