Costco Warns Shoppers to Stop Sharing SCAM Coupon on Facebook
If you have spent any amount of time on Facebook this week, chances are good you have seen someone share a post somewhere along the lines of "share this on your page and Costco will give you a $75 coupon".
The coupon claims everyone who shares it will be sent a $75 voucher, but the company notified members via Facebook that this was in a hoax.
Despite several posts out there, Costco is NOT giving away $75 coupons. While we love our fans and our members, this offer is a SCAM, and in no way affiliated with Costco. Thanks to our fans for letting us know about this recurring hoax!
These online social media coupons are starting to become a recurring problem for the global wholesale retailer. But thanks to the customers letting the business know about it they were able to issue a statement in a timely manner and let people know it wasn't legitimate.
A general rule of thumb when scrolling through social media, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is and you should just ignore it and move on.