Coborn’s Original Kids Ride Horse, ‘Sandy’ on Display in Sauk Rapids
I've been cooped up in the house just like everyone else. Except for the daily trips to work and straight back home, I haven't been anywhere in 3 weeks. 3 weeks. That is a long time. Our house needed a few essentials and it was my turn to get to go on the grocery run. I stopped by the Sauk Rapids Coborn's location after work and saw something that really brightened my day.
On display between the freezer section and produce, they had Sandy the kids ride horse. Sandy was the first horse that the company owned.
Dan, one of the four Coborn brothers, bartered a sack of potatoes in exchange for the horse. It cost a penny for kids to take her for a ride while parents shopped. Coborn's customers are encouraged to snap a pic with Sandy. Just make sure you're maintaining social distance guidelines.
Seeing Sandy as I was out shopping was just the surprise I needed after being stuck at home for so long. It was unexpected, pleasant, and a nice dose of nostalgia. It brought a smile to my face, and a fun selfie to my phone. Be sure to snap a pic with Sandy while she is there!