Mother Nature must like going to the fair too, because we have perfect weather on the horizon for fun at the Benton County Fair Grounds in Sauk Rapids! Here is a run down of all the events happening Saturday, August 3rd.

8 am - Open Class Goat Show

9 am - 4-H Horse Judging Horse Training Game Show to follow

9 am - Open Class Rabbit Show

9 am - Commercial, Discovery, Heritage, Ag, Craft buildings all open until 10 pm

10 am - Rooster Crowing Contest

10 am - Make It & Take It in the FFA Barnyard until Noon

10 am - Open Class Dairy Judging

10:30 am - Kids Pedal Tractor Pull by FFA (registration starts at 9:30)

11 am - Ag in the Classroom at the FFA tent (also at 1 and 3 pm)

11 am - Farm Bureau Scavenger Hunt at the Little Red Barn until 2 pm

11 am - Elk River German Band on stage (also at 2 pm)

11 am - 4-H Kid's Fun at the Exhibit Building until 2 pm

Noon - Midway open with $25 armbands for all rides until 5 pm (midway open until midnight)

Noon - Loren Wolfe music on stage (also at 3 and 5 pm)

Noon - Bingo in the Bingo Building until 11 pm

Noon - Beer garden opens


1 pm - Magic by Chaz magician show (also at 4 and 6 pm)

1 pm - FOCI Glass Blowers in Heritage Square (also at 2, 3, 4, and 5 pm)

3 pm - Open Class Llama Show

6:30 pm - Demo Derby in the Grandstand

7 pm - Talent Show Finals

8 pm - Smok'N Guns on the Beer Garden Stage


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