Benton County Fair Daily Event Schedule – Saturday 2019
Mother Nature must like going to the fair too, because we have perfect weather on the horizon for fun at the Benton County Fair Grounds in Sauk Rapids! Here is a run down of all the events happening Saturday, August 3rd.
8 am - Open Class Goat Show
9 am - 4-H Horse Judging Horse Training Game Show to follow
9 am - Open Class Rabbit Show
9 am - Commercial, Discovery, Heritage, Ag, Craft buildings all open until 10 pm
10 am - Rooster Crowing Contest
10 am - Make It & Take It in the FFA Barnyard until Noon
10 am - Open Class Dairy Judging
10:30 am - Kids Pedal Tractor Pull by FFA (registration starts at 9:30)
11 am - Ag in the Classroom at the FFA tent (also at 1 and 3 pm)
11 am - Farm Bureau Scavenger Hunt at the Little Red Barn until 2 pm
11 am - Elk River German Band on stage (also at 2 pm)
11 am - 4-H Kid's Fun at the Exhibit Building until 2 pm
Noon - Midway open with $25 armbands for all rides until 5 pm (midway open until midnight)
Noon - Loren Wolfe music on stage (also at 3 and 5 pm)
Noon - Bingo in the Bingo Building until 11 pm
Noon - Beer garden opens
1 pm - Magic by Chaz magician show (also at 4 and 6 pm)
1 pm - FOCI Glass Blowers in Heritage Square (also at 2, 3, 4, and 5 pm)
3 pm - Open Class Llama Show
6:30 pm - Demo Derby in the Grandstand
7 pm - Talent Show Finals
8 pm - Smok'N Guns on the Beer Garden Stage