Is "Minnesota Nice" a myth? Are we bad people?

According to WalletHub, no. We're not. We may be drunk a lot, but we're (mostly) good folk.


On a scale of 1-50 -- with 1 being the most "sinful" state and 50 being the least -- Minnesota is ranked #37.

The website rated states for various vices like anger, jealousy, greed, lust, etc. Minnesota ranked 5th in most excessive drinking, 2nd in lowest % of population with gambling disorders, and 47th in "anger & hatred." Yay us! We're drunk AND chill!

Toronto Blue Jays v Minnesota Twins, Game 1

We're so chill that our Boys of Summer used to play a summer sport INDOORS! (Getty Images)

So which state is the sinniest? The sinnerest? The bedeviledest?

NOT Nevada.

Right? RIGHT?!

In their defense, Nevada is ranked 3rd overall, and #1 in both greed and laziness. #LifeGoals!

The craziest fricking state in the country is the most sinful.


Their only #1 is for jealousy. They're the 2nd highest in % of population with gambling disorders, and #2 in most beauty salons per capita.

The angriest state is Tennessee. The laziest is Arkansas (this state is my spirit animal). Mississippi spends the most time on porn websites. Wisconsin is #1 in excessive drinking (shocker...not shocker). Most violent crimes per capita is...Alaska. Are they just bored up there?

So which state is the saintist? Saintliest?


Buncha goody two-shoes in Vermont.

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