20 Things Only Kids From Rice, MN Can Relate To
Growing up in small town USA has its perks! You know everyone in town and you all share the same experiences. If you're from Rice, you're probably still salty about the "new" route into town. But, your bitterness quickly goes away when you see the sky blue water tower...because, you know you're home. Here are 20 things only kids who grew up in Rice, MN will understand. How many things on this list can you check off?

1. You were devastated when Janski Grocery closed.
2. The playground at Rice Elementary School was your hangout.
3. The ice skating rink warming house is where you'd meet up with your crush.
4. The Rice Street Dance was the event of the summer.
5. You probably volunteered a time or two at the local church bizarre.
6. You'd go biking and walking, a lot. That's what there was to do.
7. You knew about the secret (or not so secret) bike hills and jumps in the woods.
8. When the town got a McDonald's and Subway, you knew life was changing.
9. You've played 'ghost in the graveyard' at one of the two cemeteries.
10. You knew where your teacher lived. You probably trick-or-treated at their house.
11. When someone says 'the haunted house' by the train tracks, you know which house they're talking about.
12. Your summer nights were spent watching softball at the ball fields.
13. You've secretly always wanted to go inside of the 'old school house' that's now a house.
14. You know someone who has had a wedding reception, graduation party, birthday party, etc. at Village Hall.
15. We lied...the citywide garage sale was the event of the summer.
16. The volleyball pit at O'Briens Pub always looked like a ton of fun.
17. You remember when Picadilly's Pizza and Old Creamery were pretty much your only dinning options. You probably even wanted to work at Picadilly's when you were a teen.
18. You were pretty much related to everyone in town. You were warned to be careful who you dated.
19. June bugs were the WORST.
20. When someone wanted to say they were going to St. Cloud, they'd say "I'm going into town." You knew exactly what they meant.