I love Wheel of Fortune and some of the puzzles they put out there are tough but sometimes I have to wonder where contestants come up with their answers.
Like many Southerners, Renee Durette drops the "G" at the end of a word when she speaks. Her accent became a big issue during a recent episode of 'Wheel of Fortune,' costing the Navy Intel Specialist from Merritt Island, Fla $3,850 thanks to a controversial judge's ruling.
There's something that has always baffled me... people that yell at the television. My friend in New York yells at the news channel and I have told her many times that they can't hear her. However, if there ever were a time to yell at the tv, this would be it.
Wheel! Of! Tequila? It doesn’t quite have the same ring, but it could be said of ‘Wheel of Fortune’ after longtime host Pat Sajak admitted in a recent interview that he and Vanna taped more than one show after having had a few margaritas.