Ugly But Functional: Boot Blankets Are the Ultimate Hunting ToolUgly But Functional: Boot Blankets Are the Ultimate Hunting ToolLast year I was Googling products to avoid cold feet, and came across something completely ridiculous, but worth of testing out: Boot Blankets. AbbeyAbbey
Snow in the Forecast, Make Sure These Items Are in Your Car!Snow in the Forecast, Make Sure These Items Are in Your Car!Driving around with a bunch of extra "junk in the trunk" seems like a hassle, but in Minnesota you just never know when you'll need it.AbbeyAbbey
5 Ice Fishing Tools to Help Reel in the Winter Catch5 Ice Fishing Tools to Help Reel in the Winter CatchSome are bravely out on the ice already. Others are waiting for it to freeze a bit more before putting the house out there. Either way, here's 5 tools you will need before heading out on the ice!Carl PettitCarl Pettit