New Red Lobster Menu Revealed Following Bankruptcy BattleNew Red Lobster Menu Revealed Following Bankruptcy BattleNew food items and a shrinking menu are coming to a Red Lobster near you. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Even More Red Lobsters Closing; See The Updated ListEven More Red Lobsters Closing; See The Updated ListA new report shows more Red Lobsters are closing than initially expected following the chain's bankruptcy filing. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Struggling National Restaurant Chain Could Get Second ChanceStruggling National Restaurant Chain Could Get Second ChanceA firm is crunching the numbers right now to see if it can be saved. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Popular St. Cloud Seafood Restaurant Is Considered 'Zombie Brand'Popular St. Cloud Seafood Restaurant Is Considered 'Zombie Brand'With all of that information, knowing that a CEO that specializes in 'turning brands around' is coming in, and a holding company that wants out, it's no wonder the label of 'Zombie Brand' is being tossed around with Red Lobster. Paul SheaPaul Shea
St. Cloud Red Lobster Might Be Limiting Your Cheddar Bay BiscuitsSt. Cloud Red Lobster Might Be Limiting Your Cheddar Bay BiscuitsThis new biscuit "rule" implies that restaurant guests are limited to two Cheddar Bay Biscuits per entree. AbbeyAbbey