Tonight President Obama took to the national airwaves for a rare prime-time address to describe what America's response would be to the Islamic State (aka ISIL or ISIS), the terrorist group that has taken over parts of Syria and Iraq, and also beheaded two American journalists.
There are lots of people I can think of that would be fun to be trapped in an elevator with but I think the one that I would find most interesting would be the President of the United States.
Declaring 2014 a "year of action" as he unveiled a series of relatively meager executive actions, President Barack Obama vowed in his State of the Union address Tuesday night to sidestep Congress "whenever and wherever" he can in order to push through his agenda.
President Obama and wife Michelle enjoyed date night at the basketball game against the US Olympic team and Brazil, where they were spotted by the 'Kiss Cam', and the President got denied by his wife the first time.
The Obama administration got an enormous victory on Thursday when the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to uphold the President’s signature achievement: the 2010 health care law.
And in a surprise to many court watchers, it was Chief Justice John Roberts who sided with the more liberal justices and wrote the majority opinion.
We all feel the need to belt out a good tune every once in a while right? Whether you're alone in your car or in the shower, or maybe you have been blessed with a good enough voice to sing in public from time to time. Well President Obama clearly has no shame in his singing abilities, check out his version of Justin Bieber's current hit 'Boyfriend'.
Last night the president visited the Apollo Theater in New York for a fundraiser and when he got on the podium instead of speaking, he first belted out a bit of Al Green's 'Let's Stay Together'. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized he didn't sound half bad...
President Barack Obama finally made good on his 2008 campaign promise to end the war in Iraq. On Wednesday, the president was at Fort Bragg in North Carolina to welcome troops returning home from Iraq for the last time.