You've probably noticed gas has gone down in recent days in the region. Despite conflict in the Middle East, prices could continue to drop in the next month.
I'm all for electric vehicles, but there are still some things we aren't talking about. EVs are harder on roads than gas powered cars. What's this mean for Minnesota?
The shutdown of the Colonial Pipeline has impacted gas supplies and prices in parts of the East Coast, but will it cause prices to increase here in Minnesota?
Did you notice the price of gas is climbing, not dropping? Just a couple weeks ago it was $1.40/gallon, and now it's $1.95 per gallon! How high is it supposed to get?
The nation's average for a gallon of gas is about $1.69, but the prices in Minnesota are even better!
Minnesotan's are paying on average about $1.45. While the week before we were paying $1.58.
Source: WCCO CBS Minnesota