Flying has changed a little since I last went on an airplane a few years ago. If you plan to fly anytime soon, check this out. Great tips from our frequent flyer here at the station!
Minnesota lawmakers had been betting on the Department of Homeland Security granting the state an extension for Minnesota's compliance with enhanced 'Real ID' federal requirements for identification for flying within the U.S. -- and they bet wrong, meaning your MN DL is non-compliant for boarding an aircraft as of January 1st.
I used to think it was funny when people would say what they wanted to have accomplished by a certain age. To me, it seemed like forever before I'd reach that point but now I realize it's really not that far off and I'm starting to make set some of those same types of goals myself.
My three-year-old informs me (often) that she has super powers but, "you, Mom, do not"! I guess it's one of those things. You're born with all kinds of wonderful knowledge and powers but as you get older they, somehow, sadly disappear. This baby can fly!