How Do You Feel About Stars Who Lip Sync Supposed Live Shows?
So, Garth fans are a little bit upset that he lip synced at the CMA's this past Wednesday evening. He didn't try to hide the fact, and basically told reporters that he's got 12 shows in 10 days and his voice is absolutely shot. He did have long discussions about what they should do, and everyone involved felt that it was best to just have him lip synce, instead of trying to schedule another artist at such short notice.
How do you feel about it? My opinion. I think it's a fine line. If Garth would have come out solo...Guitar in hand...and said something like, "We're family right? So I can tell you that I'm exhausted from all the performances I've been doing, so help me get thru this by singing along." The crowd would have went wild. Perhaps next time?
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