Crayola’s New Make Up Line: Face Crayons
It's true! Who better than Crayola to actually make crayons for our faces? It was probably their original idea anyway right?
Crayola has rolled out 58 products in over 90 colors. Everything from eye shadows to lip colors, highlighters and even mascara.
If you want to order your Crayola make up crayons, they cost about $18.00 for 3 crayons.
I was checking out the Crayola Colour Crayon Trio Wild Fruits for your lips and cheeks. The crayons come in three wild fruity shades, Strawberry, Very Cherry and Mango Tango, are a creamy texture, which is why you can use them on your cheeks as well as your lips.
Because the crayons are creamy, you can mix the colors together....you can color outside the lines, if you will!
The Mermaid set features gold, steel blue, and green; suitable for eyes, lips and cheeks! Yes...you can have green lips if you choose...and some do. Actually, you could outline your lips green and then paint them blue, pink, gold...pretty much whatever you want...we can look like we did when we were kids playing with crayons...and writing all over our faces with colors that really didn't seem to fit..but who cares!!! Now we can do whatever we want!
They even have big fat crayons...for highlighting purposes.
It looks like fun...so Crayola...hats off to you for bringing the fun and ease back to our make up. I'll throw some crayons in my backpack and head off to work!
If you want to check out Crayola's new line, you can go to the website WWW.ASOS.COM.
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