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Taylor Swift Talks About Everything And I Mean Everything [VIDEO]
Taylor Swift Talks About Everything And I Mean Everything [VIDEO]
Taylor Swift Talks About Everything And I Mean Everything [VIDEO]
I know it sounds funny, but I am a fan of  Taylor Swift.  I don't really jam out to her music, but think she is an amazing role model for our kids.  She is one of the biggest acts on the planet and didn't get there by chance.  Her fans are super loyal because Taylor gets it.. She treats them with respect and relates to them.  If you want to learn more about her, go grab a big bag of popcorn then h
Sleep Running Dog Runs Into Wall
YouTube - Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog. The other day Ricky posted a video of a dog running into the bed.  It reminded of this video that I saw a few years ago.  Thought I would share.
Wisdom Tooth Surgery
Wisdom Tooth Surgery
Wisdom Tooth Surgery
YouTube-GirlCantCloseEyeAfterWisdomToothSurgery. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled I couldn't keep my eyes open.  Unlike this girl.  haha
New Line Dance At Weddings
New Line Dance At Weddings
New Line Dance At Weddings
YouTube - Dirty dancing - prLJavi ples. Do you have a Turkish wedding to go and have no idea what to bring? Don't sweat it. Based on this video, all you need is a sports coat, dancing shoes and a loaded gun.