It's called, "Social Media Etiquette," and if you're active on social media, you need to know how to do it without everybody hating you.


1) Tag friends without their permission
Nothing like waking up and checking your Facebook only to find yourself tagged in a picture that you would rather not have public.

2) Post too often
Don't clog up people's timelines and newsfeeds. That's a quick way to get unfollowed.

3) Willfully spew out TMI
TMI (too much information) can turn people off. Plus: once it's public, there's no taking it back!

4) Complain about your job
It's not that hard for your boss to find out what you said. Screenshots can be deadly.

5) Overuse hashtags
#hashtags #are #for #subject #emphasis #not #for #making #you #seem #social #media #savvy

6) Brag or show off
Being proud of an accomplishment is ok, just don't get to douchey about it. And under no circumstances do you humblebrag!

7) Announce that you're cleaning up your friend list
Start with me

8) Constantly talk about your business venture
Yes, you want to get the word out about your business. But don't constantly yap about it...because doing so could violate Facebook's terms of service (did you read it? I didn't). Set up a business page, invite your friends, and keep most of the activity there.

9) Beg for followers
That new business needs to get off the ground somehow, but begging for followers just reeks of failure. If the idea is great, the people will come to you!

10) Forget to write back
Did someone wish you a happy birthday or congratulate you on a new job? At the very least, thank them. Leaving that space blank makes you look like a jerk.

H/T: Bustle

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